Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not Related to Gabe...

...but worth posting. This was 2 blocks from our house last night and early into the morning. The video does not even give the Obama celebration justice. It was truly a site!


Unknown said...

That was AMAZING!

perry ann said...

That was so awesome. I miss being in DC sooo bad. Here on the island, it is no big deal. In fact, in my neighborhood (Navy housing), people were in mourning. I really miss DC and my own blue state, Virginia! Wohoo!

Alison C Shields said...

Rock on. Love it. I so wanted to be out there celebrating with everyone. Way to go America!

Papa Williams said...

Evan, errr, Comrade!
I wish I could show you the celebration that took place on my street here in The Republic of Texas. Since we went back to being our own country...Wait.. we didn't go back to being our own country after Obama was elected. Crap. Just kidding you liberal crazies. Looks like a lot of fun and a very proud day for us all. I also miss DC, the vibrant life that happens on the street there is like no where else. Brilliant.
I will be loading up on ammo and canned food, While clinging to my God and multiple firearms, jeez comrades you take everything so seriously.

Papa Williams said...

Evan, errr, Comrade!
I wish I could show you the celebration that took place on my street here in The Republic of Texas. Since we went back to being our own country...Wait.. we didn't go back to being our own country after Obama was elected. Crap. Just kidding you liberal crazies. Looks like a lot of fun and a very proud day for us all. I also miss DC, the vibrant life that happens on the street there is like no where else. Brilliant.
I will be loading up on ammo and canned food, While clinging to my God and multiple firearms, jeez comrades you take everything so seriously.

Lily Karmac said...

I don't remember if I was in town or not, but if I was, I was probably kept awake by that. I remember the street was simi-trashed the next day! HAHAH